
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Two Comings per Advent

One thing all Futurist views on The Rapture besides Post-Trib have in common is believing When Jesus Comes in the Clouds (commonly called The Rapture) and when he comes on a White Horse in Revelation 19 and Isaiah 63 are two separate Comings.

That is why Post-Tribbers often define themselves as not believing in The Rapture at all,.  What they really mean is not believing in it as a separate event.  They may also nit-pick about the word not being Biblical, but that's for another study.

That's key to how we're often made fun of in Post-Trib circles, saying we believe in Two Second Comings, or that Revelation 19 is really the Third Coming.

I believe there are only two Messianic Advents, the Advent of the Suffering Servant, and the Advent of the Lion of Judah.  But something Post-Tribbers should keep in mind next time they want to mock us for believing in "Two Second Comings", is that the First Advent had two Comings as well.

The actual Physical Incarnation, which we celebrate on December 24-25th but I believe actually happened on the First of Tishri which fell on the 11th of September 3 B.C.   However I do believe it was probably during Chanukah he was conceived (The Annunciation and the Visitation), as well as the day the Magi presented their Gifts.

And The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, commemorated on Palm Sunday, which occurred on the 10th of Nisan of 30 A.D.

You may be thinking, "those aren't separate comings at all".  They are indeed different from how the two future Comings dispensationalists believe in relate to each other, but that's natural, the Second Advent will be different from the First.  "But He didn't leave the Earth and Return to Heaven between those two events."  That's besides the point.

The Point is, even though The Triumphal Entry wasn't even the first time Jesus entered Jerusalem, (we know from Luke 2 and Johns' Gospels he always pilgrimaged there on the major feast days since he was 12 as The Law required).

But that is the day Jesus Judged the people for not successfully Date Setting in Luke 19:41-44.  That's the day he entered Jerusalem in exactly the conditions foretold in Zachariah 9:9, with the people singing Psalm 118, in the Nisan pointed to by the 70 Weeks Prophecy , on the 10th of Nisan when the Passover Lamb is presented before being slain on the 14th.  No fulfillment of Messianic Prophecy was or will be more precise.

In the interest of comparing the First Advent to the Second.  I think the Triumphal Entry can be viewed as a Type of when he comes Riding on a White Horse.  That is when he will do what the people wanted him to do the first time (Liberate Israel from Roman Oppression).  And Because I think the 70th week will be fulfilled in Nisan years just as the first 69 were, I think it could well happen on the same day.

Therefore I think the the Nativity Narrative is perhaps a Type of the Coming in the Clouds.  That is an odd comparison to make.  But I've argued elsewhere independent reasons for seeing the Mid-70th Week Rapture as linked to the Fall Feasts.  Of course my reasons for placing the Nativity on the First of Tishri aren't directly Biblical, but I feel are Biblically backed.

Revelation 12 is a symbolic summery of History, the first five verses of which are already in the past.  But perhaps it also correlates to signs seen in the Heavens at this time, the signs seen on September 11th 3 B.C. do have a a parallel to Revelation 21.  And Luke 21:25 refers to "signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars" the Pre-Wrath assumption about that I consider flawed.  And I've talked about the reasons for possibly seeing The Rapture here.  Remember, the Chapter divisions aren't in the original text, the Vision in Revelation 12 could therefore be argued to still be part of the 7th Trumpet.

You may think I'm starting to learn towards the September 23rd 2017 AD date Popular on YouTube.  But I take issue with that since at this point it'd require us to already be in The 70th Week.  Which I don't think we can be in since The Temple isn't standing yet.  It's mostly Pre-Tribbers promoting that date.  The idea that there is something astronomical as an additional layer of meaning to Revelation 12 is worth looking into.  But one must never forget that first and foremost The Woman is Israel.

The fact is however, the term "Second Coming" isn't Biblical, it's just his Coming.  So don't build doctrine on numbers games.  His first coming was a more then one day event, so will the second be.

Update:  I now have changed my mind as Jesus birth-date, and think contrary to modern trendy opinion He was born on December 25th.  Doesn't change the overall point of this post, only effects the same day typology.  The Tishri Holy Days still have possible relevance to the first advent.  The event that chronology begins the Gospel narrative, Zachariaz in the Holy Place, I now place near maybe even on Yom Kippur.  Also you'll notice that in John 7, it's during the middle of the Feast of Tabernacles He appears unexpectedly.

1 comment:

  1. There might be 3 😊 appearances of the Lord eschatologically.

    1. in the morning...Mal.4

    2. At NOON Amos 8:9

    3. At a NIGHT watch. Like 12:38

    And there are 3 ways he said he would come...
    Like 9:26 For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come (1)in his own glory, and (2)in his Father's, and (3) of the holy angels.
