
Monday, January 9, 2017

Chad Schafer's The World in the Bondage of Egypt: Under the Triumphal Arch of Titus

Is a book that came out recently.

The World in the Bondage of Egypt: Under the Triumphal Arch of Titus Paperback – September 15, 2016

And here is him on Rob Skiba's Radio Show talking about it.
[Update: here is part 2]

A part two may happen in the future, if so once it's up on YouTube I'll edit this post to add it.
 [Update: here is part 2]

I'm also going to add here some Screencaps of Comments I left there that aren't visible on the video for some reason.

This idea has the potential to tie into a lot of what I've talked about on this Blog about Egypt (and also Edom with the Eagle on the Arch of Titus).

However I still believe actual geographical Egypt is important.  That where ever the Beast of The Sea comes from, or whatever nation he first takes over.  He will set up his Capital in Egypt, where Satan's Seat will be his Throne.


In part two he makes some Jordan Maxwell level etymology errors, but I can give him a bit of a pass on that.

It is amusing to me how this is mostly evidence of the whole world becoming Roman.

I also think he's mistaken that Jesus was alluding to Daniel 9 in Matthew 24, the exact phrase "Abomination of Desolation" is in Daniel 11 and 12.  Daniel 9 uses a similar term about possibly the same thing, but not that exact phrase.  The 70th Week of Daniel is not about 70 AD or the End Times, it's about 30-37 AD.

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