
Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Dajjal being from Britain

Is a theory among some Muslims I recently became aware of.  Starting with This YouTube Video.

I was already familiar with the Hadith that is the main basis for this theory.  A Story about some Arab sailors who wind up on an Island where they talk to a chained person claiming to be the Dajjal.  An Island estimated to be about a month from Arabia.  Of course the people promoting this theory are saying they aren't taking it entirely literally.

I imagine most mainstream theories about where this Island was meant to be located, (if it intended a real location at all), would look for it in the Arabian Sea or Indian Ocean, or further east.

Among some Judaeo-Christian Conspiracy theorists there has long been a tendency to see British Imperialism as the source of all modern evil.  Including some posts on my own Conspiracy Theory Blog.  And on this Blog in the England and Egypt post.

Before meeting Dajjal, these sailors were first greeted by a hairy man or creature.  The name he identified himself by is apparently related to the Arab word for Spying, so this is taken as a clue it's an island particularly associated with Espionage.  The British are credited with pretty much inventing modern Espionage under Queen Elizabeth I. 

Apparently this Hadith is also one of a few that seem to foretell the Sea of Galilee drying up.  Which apparently is happening now.  You've probably seen Zionists brag about how modern Israel has made the desserts Green again.  Well apparently some think their doing that is in the long term hurting the environment of Israel, and is why the Sea of Galilee is drying up.

What most bothers me here is how the use of this Hadith to basically identify the Ashkenazim with Gog and Magog can tie into the Khazzar theory, a deception I've already addressed.

But getting back to Britain.  The idea of the Dajjal being hidden on an Island at Muhammad's time, with some linking that Island to Britain, is interesting in light of some Christian theories about King Arthur having something to do with The Antichrist.  However from what I can tell none of these Muslims have made an Arthur connection themselves.

About a century before Muhammad's time was King Arthur's time.  And at the end of his Reign he is said to have not died but been taken Mortally Wounded to Avalon, from whence he will someday return when Britain needs him again.

But some theorize Avalon isn't a separate Island from Britan, but rather the area of Glastonbury, where there is a traditional site for King Arthur's Tomb.  This Hadith has the Dajjal Chained in an old place of worship, which in the context of seeing it as Britain makes it a Church or Monastery.

I have talked about Arthurian Legend quite a bit, once previously on this Blog in England and Edessa.  But I've talked about it a lot on my Nerdy Blog.  With the idea of connections between it and Arabia sort of coming up in my post about Wolfram's Parzival.

I still currently do not consider an Islamic Antichrist theory likely.  But it's interesting to keep an eye on what their theories are.

Update June 9th 2018: apparently it might be possible to draw a direct line from this Arabic lore about the Antichrist imprisoned on an Island to Cthulu.
The comments even possibly trace it back to Plutarch and other Hellenic mythology about Saturn/Kronos being chained on an Island linked to Britain.


  1. Interesting post. I didn't even know there was a Muslim version of the Antichrist. I seriously doubt King Arthur is the Antichrist, just that the Antichrist might pose as King Arthur, though more likely he'll pose as Christ himself.

    1. This post is in the context of my Blog discussing theories that the Islamic Mahdi is the Antichrist. And the Dajjal is either a good guy, or a decoy Antichrist. In which context it's often thought the False Prophet will claim to be Isa.

      I entertain such theories, but they aren't my main theory. I mainly now think The Antichrist will be claim to be Messiah Ben-Joseph. Either as a Jew or as a Hebrew Roots style Christian.

    2. The Antichrist claiming to be Messiah Ben-Joseph and claiming to be Arthur could overlap if you bring British Irsaelism into the mix.
