
Sunday, February 25, 2018

Pre-Tribbers mis-quoting old Historicists

A lot of the attempts of Pre-Tribbers to claim there were Pre-Tribbers before Darby involve a lot of mis-quoteing old Historicists, people who weren't even Futurists.

All these quotes tend to involve references to a "Great-Conflagration", that old Historicists like Joseph Mede, John Gill and Cotton Mather tended to place between the fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 4 and the start of the Millenial Kingdom.

This "Great-Conflagration" is probably based on 2 Peter 3's talk of a coming destruction of the Earth by fire.  One thing I've been struggling with is how this particular prophecy of Peter's does not at face value have an obvious place where it happens in Revelation.

Morgan Edwards was not a Historcist however, there are a couple sites out there trying to claim he was but that is easily refutable. I wanted to believe Edwards might have been Mid-Trib, but was forced to admit he was Pre-Trib, just not giving the Trib a full Seven Years.

It would be absurd to suggest any Historcist view on the timing of the Rapture is analogous to Pre-Trib, since they definitely place the Seals and Trumpets before the Rapture, and from examples I've seen also the Bowls of God's Wrath.

That of course is why a Post-Tribber might feel inclined to say that these Historicists were essentially Post-Trib.  Well it's complicated, since not all these Puritan Historicists were even Pre-Millenial, at least a few flirted with Post-Millenialism.

But even when they are Pre-Millenial.  Based on how I've defined my Midway Point Rapture model.  It can be fair to say this "Great-Conflagration" equates to the idea of the Wrath not happening until we are taken out.  Plus there is my past arguments (I'm now less sure on but kind of still lean towards) that the Church remains in Heaven until the descent of New Jerusalem.

A doctrine being new is not an argument against it being valid. Strangely enough I thought I'd already done a post specifically on that, but I guess I didn't.  I'm gonna have to get to that.  Update: Here it is.

Additional Update April 2020:  Imminence

What I failed to get at the time is how being Hisotricist can allow you to be functionally exactly like Pre-Tribbers on Imminence.  They technically agree with what Post-Tribbers and Pre-Wrath and my view says must come first, but to them those things have already happened.

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