
Saturday, February 10, 2018

The Name of the Beast could be a Yah Theophoric Name

This theory I'm proposing is compatible with my prior Iapetos theory, since in that post I'd suggested how the name Iapetos could be re-interpreted as a Yah Theophoric name by a Jewish Messiah claimant using it.  But it could be compatible with other theories too.  In fact it could be just a form of the name YHWH manipulated to have a Greek Numerical value of 666, but I have not yet discovered a form that would work for that.

Revelation 13 at the end mentions the Name of the Beast that has a Numerical value of 666.  But earlier the chapter also mentioned the "Name of Blasphemy" that is on each head of the Beast.  I have a hunch that could be the same name.

Throughout The Bible however, the primary name that is associated with Blasphemy is The Holy Name, which I prefer to pronounce Yahuah, like in Leviticus 24.  It's also one of The Ten Commandments to not use that Name in vain.  Blasphemy does include the name being claimed by one to whom it doesn't belong.

There are aspects of the Image of the Beast narrative in Revelation 13 that could lead one to see it as a sort of repeat of the Golden Calf incident.  Well remember they sort of called that Calf by the name of YHWH in Exodus 32 verses 4 through 6.

This potentially goes along with what I've suggested before that The Beast may in fact be enforcing a Torah based system.

A Torah basis for the Mark of the Beast system possibly exists in the same verses that are the basis of the Tefillin tradition.  Exodus 13:9 and 16, Deuteronomy 6:8 and 11:18.  But I could add to that the Crown of the High Priest which Exodus 28:36 and 39:30 says will have "Holiness to Yahuah" engraved on it.  And that verse also uses the word "Signet".

There are a few Biblical Figures viewed as Types of The Antichrist who also have Yah Theophoric names.

Adonijah who attempted to usurp the throne from Solomon.

Solomon himself has been viewed as a Type of the Antichrist when he backslid into Idolatry.  In which case it's useful to remember that the name Nathan gave Solomon was Jedediah in 2 Samuel 12:25, which means Beloved of Yah.

All three named children of Ahab and Jezebel had Yah Theophoric names, Ahaziah, Jehoram and Athaliah.

But perhaps most interestingly is Jehu who I've spoken about on this Blog a lot already.  Jehu is the closest any Human in the Bible comes to simply being named YHWH, his name is also four letters in the Hebrew, the only difference is the second Heh is instead an Aleph making it YHWA, YHWO or YHWU.  And it means "Yahu is He", which could be manipulated to mean "He is Yahu".

The Septuagint spelling of Jehu is Iota-Omicron-Upsilion, which is Iou, which often gets transliterated into English as just Ju.  And in Latin it's usually IehuIou has a numerical value of 480, so it's just a matter of somehow adding 186 to it.  But it's also a spelling you can get from dropping half the letters out of Iesous/Jesus.

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