
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Will there be Believers after The Rapture?

First of all I don't like to use the term "Tribulation Saints" since in my view the Great Tribulation ends at the Rapture.  You certainly could call the situation of the post Rapture world a tribulation, but as far as the technical use of that word as part of Bible Prophecy goes, it's primarily pre-Rapture.

However since my view is a type of Mid-Trib, the question of if there are Post-Rapture believers is something I need to address.  Things I might have said a few years ago on this subject on this Blog I'm not likely to still agree with since my attitude towards Dispensationalism has changed.

I do not believe Israel and the Church are totally separate like Chuck Missler does.  I do believe that Romans 11 clearly teaches that Gentile Believers are grafted into Israel.  So in that sense I'm not a full Dispensationalist.

But I suppose you could call me a type of Dispensationalist since I do believe NT era believers have special promises and benefits (like that the Holy Spirit won't leave us) OT believers didn't have.  And that Romans 11 does also promise a future revival among the Biological descendants of Israel.

Now the key to my Rapture view is my Chronological view of Revelation, and that The Parusia and the Rapture happen between the Seventh Trumpet and the First Bowl of God's Wrath.  I believe Israel is The Woman of Revelation 12 as well as The Bride of Christ and The Church is The Man Child.  But I've talked on my other Blog about how Gentile Believers aren't limited to the Church Age.  So at the end of Revelation 12 when it speaks of "the rest of her Seed that keep the Commandments of Jesus", I think those are Gentile believers that may pop up after The Rapture.

In Revelation 18 when God calls His People out of Babylon, I believe that is physical Israel not Believers.

I just did a post on Revelation 16:15.

Revelation 14:12-13, Revelation 15, and Revelation 20:4 deal with those who are martyred for not taking The Mark or worshiping the Beast or his Image.

Revelation 20:4 is the reason I need to view them being Post-Rapture saints since they're specifically Resurrected right when the Millennium starts.  But Post-Tribbers see that as proof that that's when The Rapture happens, because they abuse the use of the word "first" in that verse.  Hence my post on The First Resurrection.

Revelation 14 introduces this subject after it depicts the 144 Thousand in the Throne Room of God on the Heavenly Zion, and describes them with clear Resurrection terminology, being the First Fruits and Redeemed from the Earth.

I have considered before that most of these Martyrs may be killed very early on, perhaps all before the first Bowl is poured out, since the effects of the Bowls will greatly preoccupy The Beast.  But that's a hunch I can't really prove.

Because Post Tribbers completely reject Dispensationalism, they feel any evidence of believers on Earth during the Bowls must refute everything but Post-Trib.  But I'm afraid that is an oversimplification.  The dependence of Post-Trib on garbling the chronology is the reason I can't take it seriously anymore.

Which is why I refer readers again to my post on Revelation 14:14-20.

1 comment:

  1. Have you considered the fact that Paul (the apostle of Grace) states that believers will not be overtaken by THE DAY OF THE LORD?

    Listen to what he says... and watch the pronouns...
    1 Thess.5:1 ¶But of the times and the seasons, brethren, YE have no need that I write unto you.
    2For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
    3For WHEN THEY shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon THEM, as travail upon a woman with child; and THEY shall not escape.
    4 But YE, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.
    5 YE are all the children of light, and the children of the day: WE are not of the night, nor of darkness.

    So the Day of the Lord is not about the church. Rev.1 states John was in the spirit on the Lord's day. Is this not THE DAY OF THE LORD?...

    But Paul says we are waiting for the day of CHRIST. This term is wholly Pauline. Day of Jesus Christ...etc.

    This along with the fact the NATION, is God's calling for the earth. Paul addresses a calling for heavenly places. This is shown by Paul as God's eternal purpose in Christ. Eph.1:9,10. Today we are called for a different calling than those in the Revelation.

    Thus we come out of the world because that time period addresses Israel, the HOLY NATION, and judgement on the nation's who are in rebellion and unbelief.

    Interesting reading. Thank you!
