
Monday, October 6, 2014

The Feast of Tabernacles is fulfilled after The Millennium

Conventional wisdom is that the Spring Feasts are the First Advent and the Fall Feasts the Second Advent.  I agree with that basically, but there is a major difference in how the two sets of feasts relate to each other.

The Springs Feasts are intricately linked to each other.  Passover is the 14th or 15th depending on how you look at it (The Passover Lamb is killed on the 14th and eaten on the 15th) Unleavened Bread is the 15th-21st.  First Fruits is the first Sunday morning after Passover, during Unleavened Bread.  Pentecost is counted from First Fruits, the counting of the Omer.  Their fulfillment had to be all the same year.

The Fall Feasts have less of a direct connection.  Even the idea of connecting Trumpets to Yom Kippur by the "10 Days of Awe" is only an extra-Biblical tradition.  But one I think is not as bad as other extra-Biblical ideas since it makes sense in light of how I view The Rapture.

I believe the 1st and 10th of Tishrei feast days will be fulfilled in the Middle of The 70th Week of Daniel.  Tabernacles is more directly related to The Temple/Tabernacle.  If Chris White is correct that The Antichrist will attempt to present his "Abomination of Desolation" as actually the fulfillment of Messianic Prophecy.  I could see him doing it during Tabernacles.  Remember Antiochus Epiphanes set up his Statue ten days before he formally consecrated it.

Chanukah is often thought of as a second Tabernacles.  Being also an 8 days Feast.  And because Tabernacles  is when the original Temple of Solomon was dedicated.  The Second Temple was originally dedicated early in Adar, that event never became a regular celebration.

I disagree with the usual assumption that Ezekiel's Temple and Jerusalem from chapters 40-48 is The Millennium, I believe it's the Eternal kingdom/New Jerusalem of Revelation 21.

I think the coming Third Temple will be more like the Second, and the Finale Temple more like Solomon's.  Making things come full circle.

1 Kings 8 and 2 Chronicles 7 show how Tabernacles is linked to the Dedication of Solomon's Temple.  In Kings we're told it was expanded into a 14 day Festival.  Jewish Tradition says the extra 7 days came before not after the usual 7 days.  2 Chronicles would seem to agree with that since on the 23rd of The Month the festivities were over.  Thing is, that would mean it went through Yom Kippur.  It also means it started on the 8th of Tishrei.

I've seen people criticize that view in favor in making the extra 7 days after by saying 'Yom Kippr is a fast day, can't have a feast on a fast day".  What Levitcus 23 says is to afflict our souls, that terminology is linked to fasts, but ti's not required.  God didn't ordain any Fast days, Fasts are good but good does not approve of ordaining any annual depressing holidays.  The four annual fast days connected to the fall of Jerusalem in 588 BC are actually condemned by God in Zachariah.  Sacrifices are a big deal on Yom Kippur, and Sacrifices are also eaten.

J.R. Church once did a series of episodes of Prophecy in The news on John 7,8 and 9 suggesting that the 7 Days of Tabernacles equated to Seven Millenniums of human History.  With the 8th representing the New Creation/Eternity.  I disagree with the Seven Millenniums view, but the affiliation of the 8th days with a new beginning is still logical.

I've already said that I think the Seven days of Creation were the Seven days of Tabernacles, not the beginning of Tishrei as usually assumed.  And that the 8th day was the day of The Fall.  What I've suggested here is largely why I came to that conclusion.

I believe it will be during the Seven Day Festival of Tabernacles that the Messianic Temple/Tabernacle is dedicated.  And then on the 8th day of the Feast that Time (a s we know it at least) will end and we will enter Eternity.

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