
Monday, February 26, 2018

Revelation 14:14-20, The Parusia and the Wrath of God.

Post-Tribbers often tend to see The Second Coming and The Rapture in the same parts of Revelation that I do, and then some more.  And that is why their view is dependent on messing around with the Chronology of the book.

That includes this part of Revelation 14.  The Son of Man riding on a Cloud, is a clear identifying characteristic of The Parusia in both Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4.  Plus people use the Kingdom Parables to justify associating Harvest imagery with The Rapture.

So naturally I've seen Post-Tribbers say they specifically believe this event is the same as or happens at the same time as the Revelation 19 event.

Now the core premise of this Blog has become that The Book of Revelation should be interpreted Chronologically.  I've done numerous posts on that subject.  But even if I abandoned that, even if I recanted every prior post on the Revelation Chronology tag.  Even if I accepted a claim that the earlier parts of this same Chapter didn't happen right before or at the same time as this part.  I would still have to say it's absurd to place this event after The Bowls of God's Wrath are poured out.

Verse 19 says "And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.".  This is clearly the beginning of the Bowls of Wrath narrative, this is the origin of what fills those bowls.  Not matter how literally or symbolically you interpret that imagery this chronological fact about it is clear.

So even if one doesn't believe the whole book is Chronological, there is still no denying that 14:14-16:21 are a continuous narrative, a narrative about The Wrath of God.  Just read all that remembering that our modern chapter and verse divisions weren't originally there, and it should be self evident.

So as far as I'm concerned you simply can't agree that this is part of the Parusia/Rapture, yet continue to insist that the Parusia/Rapture doesn't happen till after all the Bowls have been poured out.

Now from there we can dispute how long it takes the seven bowls to be poured out, and then how much time there is between the last bowl and Revelation 19.    I have myself become increasingly flexible on that.

I've decided the point of my Midway-Point Rapture view is not it being the literal exact halfway point on a timeline, but that it's between the Trumpets and the Bowls.

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