
Thursday, March 1, 2018

I'll be keeping an eye out this Spring.

I'm not predicting it will happen, I still think it most likely will not.  But in case something does happen this Spring, I want to be on record that I did have reasons to suspect it.

So the history of my 2018-2025 70th Week Model began with my post Suleiman and the 70-weeks of Daniel.  Then I made a post about possible other reasons for it.  Then I did a post how some very specific things have to happen for it to be true.  Then I made a post where I pretty much abandoned it.

The main reason for that abandonment was the impossibility of The Temple being rebuilt by then.  However last year I decided I no longer necessarily considered a "Third Temple" necessary.  Which was supplemental to my post I Don't think there will be a Millennial Temple.

Interestingly I've found there popped on the net Pre-Tribbers predicting the "Tribulation" to being in Nisan of 2018, for much more convoluted reasons then what lead me to this theory.  I'm not Pre-Trib so I am NOT Predicting The Rapture, if my theory is True then I expect The Rapture to happen in September or October of 2021, on the 1st of 10th of Tishri.  Or if the Mid-Seventh year theory I'd considered were true, then that same point in 2024. 

A Post Tribber believing same 7th Week model would be placing the Rapture in Spring of 2025.  I think the Fulfillment of Revelation 19 could happen anywhere between Hanukkah and late Adar, second Adar if there are two.  But I also expect a possible second Triumphal Entry on the 10th of Nisan, and the Resurrection of Revelation 20:4 I think will happen on First Fruits (Sunday Morning following Passover) and/or the 17th of Nisan.

The official Hebrew Calendar is going to observe Passover around the end of March this year.  However those Pre-Trib sites I just mentioned say the Hebrew Calendar is a month off this year, and the First of Nisan will be April 18th.  My personal beliefs about the Biblical Calendar would pretty much not allow Nisan to ever start that late.  But there is a change Karaites might up agreeing with that April 18th calculation, it depends when the Aviv happens, but either way I don't strictly agree with the Karaite view on this anymore, but I do agree the Rabbinic calendar can sometimes be off.

At least one of the following has to happen for me consider this theory vindicated.

1. Some invasion or disaster destroys the Wall of Jerusalem that Suleiman built.

2. The Two Witnesses begin their Ministry in Nisan, possibly on the 7th but the exact day doesn't matter.  This could happen before Nisan begins, or as late as the 28th of Nisan (traditionally the date Jericho's walls fell).

3. A possible Antichrist or Decoy-Antichrist (perhaps as a Messiah Ben-Joseph and/or Mahdi claimant) does his own Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, possibly on the 10th of Nisan.  Fulfilling the First Seal of Revelation 6.

3a. Perhaps soon after said False Messiah is killed, maybe by a literal Sword wound, by an enemy, possibly tied to the Second Seal.  Perhaps on the 14th of Nisan, or maybe the 26th.

4. The Sixth Seal of Revelation 6 is fulfilled on the 14th of Nisan, or maybe 15th.  But that would need to be not just any Earthquake, it would probably have to be by a large margin top any Quake that has happened since well over a century ago.  And be accompanied by Meteors or Asteroids hitting the Earth. And most importantly the Sun being Darkened and Moon looking Blood Red at the same time!

4a. Something could happen in Iyar, the second Month, possibly on Second Passover.  But I'm not sure what.  It could work as a second possible date for the beginning of the Ministry of the Witnesses.

5. The 144 Thousand being Sealed on Pentecost (Hebrew Calendar not Catholic or Orthodox Pentecost).  Which I believe will look a lot like Acts 2 but on a larger scale.

5a. Not sure how long after that it'll take the disasters associated with the Golden Censor to happen.

5b. A high probably that the First of the Seven Trumpets will sound either on that same Pentecost, or on one of the Tishri Holidays this Fall.

But I'm not gonna wait till Fall to decide whether or not I can consider this debunked.  If nothing happens by the end of Nisan I'll declare it to probably be debunked.  And if nothing happens by the time Pentecost is past I'll declare it definitively debunked.

Again, I'm not predicting these things to happen.  Right now I consider unlikely.  I'm not even going to promote this unless something happens.

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