
Monday, March 2, 2015

Chris White addresses the Alexi Tsipras hype

I agree this guy is probably unlikely to be The Antichrist, and a lot of the arguments for this guy are based on many misconceptions.

But I'm annoyed that again he presumes something about what the Religious affiliation of The Antichrist will be when he first rises based on the Abomination of Desolation which happens after his resurrection.

Even if your not as certain as I am that it is different from what he taught before, you can't deny that it could be.

He talks a lot about the wars in Daniel 11, which I've made a big deal of before too, but I'm gonna do a post in the future about how I think that maybe be already fulfilled and only topologically relevant to The Antichrist.

He concedes a belief that he must come from one of the Kingdoms of Alexander, which I've said before is an error.  I also think that the confederacy he's in must be limited to 10 is wrong too.

Like with his thing on Obama he has this idea it must happen before his current term is over, I also disagree with the Obama theory but that is silly on several levels.  Mainly that they will not cease to exist when their terms are over.

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