Thursday, November 14, 2019

The "Pre-Wrath" position needs a new name.

Yes they do believe The Rapture happens before God's Wrath, but so do Pre-Tribbers and 100% of the many variations of Mid-Trib including my own.  The only Pre-Millennial Futurists who aren't Pre-Wrath are the Post-Tribbers, (even they may sometimes try to deny it, but only they have The Church still on Earth during Revelation 16).

But right now the designation of "Pre-Wrath" has been hijacked by a very peculiar view created by a Marvin Rosenthal and currently mainly promoted online by Chris White and Alan Kurshner who recently announced a joint movie project.

They are Pre-Wrath but that's not actually the defining characteristic of their peculiar position.  Calling it a "Sixth Seal Rapture" view would be way more apt, though some forms of Post-Trib as well as the position the Pastor I do not like to name promoted in his movie will also connect it to the Sixth Seal.

Their view is that it happens at the Sixth Seal and then in theory everything after that in Revelation is post Rapture.  So they alone can uniquely be called the Sixth Seal Rapture view.  There is a problem with their claim to being chronological but this post I don't want to be about if their view's right or not, I'll discus that in a future post after I create a certain Spongebob Meme.

If any view deserves to be defined by their Pre-Wrathness, it's my variation of Mid-Trib, I believe it happens exactly when Heavenly voices in Revelation say now Wrath has come.  I will argue in a future post agaisnt Alan Kurshner's logic for making the Trumpets part of the Wrath.

But I have no particular desire to call my view Pre-Wrath because when the Wrath happens is not my main reason for the position I hold on the timing of the Rapture, it just happens to fit.

Now I know many forms of Mid-Trib are from their own POV either Pre-Trib or Post-Trib, but that isn't the same as this because everyone knows what Pre-Trib and Post-Trib without qualification means.  For the record I'm a Post-Tribber from my own POV based on Matthew 24.

However lots of people are confused on what exactly calling yourself "Pre-Wrath" means.  In the comments section of the YouTube video I linked to above a commentor replied to me that Pre-Wrath is Mid-Trib, totally ignorant that the makers of that video love calling Mid-Trib a "defunct view".

So my plea to White and Kurshner is start calling yourselves the Sixth Seal Rapture view.

P.S.  Another thing amusing to me is that their PreWrath film is mainly directed agaisnt Pre-Trib.  Debunking Pre-Trib is nothing new.  They have convinced me they have a fairly different approach, but still, everyone knows the problems Pre-Trib has.  Those of us promoting positions that can be labeled as "compromise" positions really need to put more leg work into destroying Post-Trib.

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