Verses 1 and 2 of chapter 11 are the only uses of the word "Temple" in The Book of Revelation ever believed to be about an earthly Jewish Temple in Jerusalem during the Eschatological Week even by the most extreme Third Temple expecting Futurists.
Every other reference to a Temple or Tabernacle in the book is obviously and incontrovertibly about The Temple in Heaven or the concept of The Church as The Temple of God. And those two Temples are themselves linked in my view, we are what connects the Heavenly Temple to the terrestrial world.
But it is absurd to me to suggest that this Temple is different from The Temple of verse 19 of the same chapter when both are called "The Temple of God" with a definite article signifying more then one place can't have this title. Also the Angel speaking to John in these opening verses is the same one that is the focus of much of chapter 10, but people lose sight of that because of the modern chapter divisions. And Heaven not Earth is where John is right now, so the Heavenly Temple must be what he is measuring.
The thing people don't understand about this view is that the worshipers being counted are still believers on Earth, we are in Spirit worshiping in that Heavenly Temple, we are the pillars of that Temple as the message to Philadelphia makes clear. The worshipers are all faithful believers, while the Gentiles/Nations are all of the world's non believers who for the moment are being left out.
The "trodden under foot" language is what especially preterists want to use as some smoking gun that this is about the same thing as Luke 21:24. And they can still be linked in my view, Luke is describing a time period that doesn't begin till after Jerusalem is destroyed, in the terrestrial world it's the entire city not just the outer court being trodden under foot. The three and a half years Revelation 11 is focused on are the last three and a half years of the Times of The Gentiles.
Others arguing for these verses being about the Heavenly Temple want the outer court to be Gentile believers here. But I believe Revelation is using Gentiles only in it's spiritual sense not genealogical sense.
The only time in Revelation the word Temple is used of a physical Temple building is using it for the purpose of saying New Jerusalem won't have one of those in Revelation 21:22. "But doesn't that language imply old Jerusalem did have a temple building?", maybe, but I would argue current Jerusalem has multiple Temple buildings, just not the one most modern Futurists are looking for, instead they are buildings we avoid using that word to describe even though it does fit. And they are even all in theory Temples to the God of Abraham, many through Isaac but some through Ishmael.
Doesn't this refute your previous argument in favor of 7 years in Revelation? If the Gentiles are only trampling a heavenly temple's outer court for 3½ years then why can't Israel have fled at its start?
ReplyDeleteI don't claim to know for certainly what exactly the Trampling is. And I'm prepared to change my mind on some nuances of the timeline. But my basic argument before and is that the 3 1/2 years periods given in 11 are the first half which ends when the 7th Trumpet sounds and those given in 12 and 13 after the Trumpet sounds are the second half.
DeleteOk. Is this phrase used here to describe this heavenly temple the same used to describe the 'temple of God' that 2 Thessalonians says will seat the Man of Lawlessness?
DeleteYes "Temple of God" is the same three word phrase, but that doesn't mean Paul is using it the same way Revelation is. I'm currently fairly undecided on the exact nature of the Abomination of Desolation.