I'm going to rank various positions on Eschatology in terms of how I personally feel about them at the time of my writing this post on Saturday November 13th of 2021.
S Tier: The Position(s) I currently favor.
I'm currently a Pre-Millennial Futurist with a Rapture Position that can be called "Mid-Trib", but not what many assume Mid-Trib means in that what The Rapture is I view mostly the same as Post-Tribbers, it is the Second Coming, and from my position's own POV the Tribulation by definition ends at The Rapture. And The Last Trump is the Seventh Trumpet.
I also consider some Idealist readings of Revelation also true, it is also a symbolic summery of The Entire Biblical Meta narrative, but that doesn't conflict with it also being future events, because that's what every good final episode of a saga should be.
A Tier: Positions I'm currently very open to being converted to.
Historicism in it's Pre-Millennial form, Partial-Preterism and Revivalist post-Millennialism, or something that combines elements of those.
I kind of want to be convinced of something like that now given other things I believe. But it wouldn't be likely to be any in their current most well known forms, since my hypothetical Preterism wouldn't be 70 AD focused (not for Matthew, Mark or Revelation anyway) and my Historicism would be less fixated on The Vatican viewing Christian Monarchy in general as the Abomination of Desolation.
If I did abandon Futurism I would probably retire this blog and start a new one.
B Tier: Views I consider firmly wrong but not in any way heretical.
Middleism, only in that separating Matthew's Olivette Discourse from Revelation I view as untenable, whichever time period one is about so is the other.
Also any views where my only or main objections come down to not interpreting Revelation as Chronologically as I do. But thus far everyone I've seen doing that is also guilty of something down below, (It's mainly associated with Post-Trib, Chris White's Pre-Wrath and Preterism).
C Tier: Views I consider tied to Heresy but merely minor ones
Dispensationalism (Pre-Trib, some forms of Mid-Trib, the Pre-Wrath view of Chris White), Supersecessionism (Most forms of Post-Trib, probably some hypothetical forms of Mid-Trib, and also today most Non Futurists).
And also Domminionism which mainly manifests as Reconstructionist Post-Millennialism but can be made compatible with other views.
D Tier: Views heretical in their rejections of core doctrines of the Faith.
Any view that denies a literal bodily Resurrection of The Dead. Which is firmly required for Full Preterism and Amillenialism.
F Tier: Basically not even really Christian at all anymore.
Any view that identifies the Satan of The New Testament with YHWH The God of The Hebrew Bible. Like Marcionism and the most well known forms of Gnosticism.
Often goes hand in hand with throwing out Revelation altogether as a False Prophecy. But they may also selectively use stuff from Revelation. Also these people are generally also doing the D Tier Heresy.