Monday, July 30, 2018

God's Unconditional Covenant with Israel

Pre-Trib Dispensationalist and Zionist Christians love to emphasize the Unconditionality of God's Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

And I agree with that even though I don't entirely agree with them on issues like the timing of the Rapture or how Israel relates to The Church.  Nor do I agree that America needs to blindly support Modern Israel no matter what, depending on foreign allies was something God told Israel not to do throughout the Old Testament.

The thing is, because most of them support a doctrine of Eternal Endless Torment, they don't apply this Undontionality to every individual Jew, just to Israel as a nation. But Malachi 3:6 says "For I am Yahuah, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed."  That verse isn't about Israel as a unit, it's about plural sons of Jacob.  Earlier Malachi 3 talked about how the Fire of God is a purifying fire used to refine the sons of Levi and purge them like Gold and Silver.

Romans 11 says "All Israel shall be Saved".  In the common Preterist/Post-Trib view, that in Romans 9-11 only the already Saved truly count as Israel, that is nonsensical.  However Dispensationalsits are not taking that declaration truly literally either.  They believe by "All Israel" it means all Israelites still alive when this prophecy is fulfilled.  They don't believe it will save Dathan and Kore and the followers of their Rebellion, or Judas, Ciaphas and Ananias.  In fact most Dispsenationists as much as they may politically support Israel still think on an individual basis only Jews who believe in Jesus are saved on this side of the Cross, so therefore they believe the 6 Million Jews who perished in the Holocaust will not take part in Israel's final restoration.

Now I do believe there is a future terrestrial mass conversion event that will play a role in the fulfillment of Romans 11 and other Prophecies.  But that event proceeds the beginning of the Millennium, which is both proceeded by and followed by phases of The Resurrection.  And Ezekiel 37 clearly associates the future restoration of Israel with the Resurrection of The Dead.

I disagree with certain aspects of Two House Theology, but I do think they have a point on some things.  And if Genesis 48 is foretelling that Ephraim shall become the fullness of the gentiles, and all Israel shall be Saved, then logically all the Gentiles shall be saved as well.  In fact Romans 11 seems to say All Israel won't be Saved till the Fullness of the Gentiles are brought into Israel first.

God's unconditional Covenant with Abraham was I think to begin with a picture of His unconditional Love for all of us.  From the beginning God's promise to Abraham was that through him All the Nations and Families of the Earth would be Blessed.

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